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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Graphic Design Magazine Cover

I wanted to introduce graphic design to my 4th graders and I thought a magazine cover would be super fun.  I was able to check out the mobile lab computers for one of my classes, but for the other unit, the cart was already checked out, so those kids are doing something else completely hand drawn.  I showed them a short powerpoint about graphic design elements, quickly showed them my example and set them off to create their own magazine cover in photoshop or word.  They are just typing the text of the magazine, and then hand drawing the image on the cover.  If we had more time, I could have them search for pictures for their cover, etc. but since it is the end of the year, we are pressed for time.   Here is my example and I can't wait to see what these kids will come up with!
Yep, I'm no graphic designer, but I had fun making this!  Oh, and we had a nice discussion where the kids had plenty of ideas for improving my design!  It really allowed them to think critically about what could be left out, what could be added and what would make the communication most effective.

1 comment:

JOY said...

this was very excellent design your i enjoyed the post-Graphic Design Magazine Cover Thank you for sharing


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