
Friday, April 20, 2012

Birds and Nests by the First Graders

The first graders made these utterly adorable birds in nests this week.

We first made nests.  We used tinfoil to shape a nest-like shape.  Then I mixed up some goopy paper-clay and the kids covered their tinfoil nests with the goop.  Little sticks, hay and pebbles were added to the goop before it dried.

Here are the steps we used to make the birds.
We used Crayola Model Magic.  A big secret I discovered is that if you squirt hand-lotion on the Model Magic while you are using it, it will be stickier and softer!  We discovered it one day when a kid put on too much hand lotion while working with Model Magic.  So, I squirted hand lotion into the kids hands and handed out the Model Magic. They flattened it into a pancake. Then, we poured a squirt of tempera paint onto the Model Magic pancake.   Then, the kids kneaded it to make the color evenly distributed.  Yes, this was super messy!  At some point of kneading, most of the paint will slick off onto the ball and the paint will be evenly distributed and mixed into the Model Magic.  Add more hand lotion as needed. 

Next, form a cylindrical-type shape and pull the head up.

Have the kids set their bird on a paper towel and go wash their hands at this step.  Then, they should get a little hunk of Model Magic and squeeze it into a triangular beak shape.  Squish it onto the head.  Then, using an orange marker, color the beak.  Use a black marker to color eyes.
Bird in Progress

Then, poke feathers into the back for a tail.  Kids could add wings if they wanted.

The students who finished early were able to make baby birds or eggs.
Aren't these soooo cute! Squee!


  1. Charming! Thanks for the lotion tip on handling model magic.your students must have loved this project.

  2. Marcia, I love every part of this - the nests with the sticks sticking out, the hand cream, the painty hands, etc. I'm pinning this! Maybe I'll use it in a future art teaching experience beyond my current classroom!

  3. The birds and nests are wonderful. My girls love messy play and they would love this.

  4. Thanks for posting this lesson. I love the different textures that you used! The kids did a great job! Can you tell me what kind of mixture you used to make the nests?
    Thanks, Laura

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