
About Me

Contact Me!

You may check out the school I teach at here:  EAGLE School of Madison.

You can visit the page I have for the parents and students at my school:  EAGLE Artists and the Artsonia Gallery for our school.

Daria and I in March 2012
My name is Marcia and this is my 7th year teaching at EAGLE School of Madison.  At EAGLE School I am also the Yearbook Adviser and Student Council Adviser.  I make a lot of art in my free time, which you can see at my other blog, Dabblings.  I paint watercolors, practice lettering and create lots of art journal pages.  I also have recently been named a contributing editor of a brand-new mixed media art magazine!  It's called Featuring! and I'm very excited to see the first issue.

Daria and I when she was a little baby

Before teaching at EAGLE, I taught in DeForest, WI for one year at an elementary school and in Skokie, IL for 3.5 years at a middle school.  I have also taught numerous workshops and local art classes for children.  I graduated in 2001 from Illinois State University with a B.S. in Art Education. I was very active in the ISU student chapter of the National Art Education Association and remain a member of the NAEA as well as the Wisconsin Art Education Association. I have been to many state and national art conferences, presented workshops for art teachers and was the treasurer of the WAEA for 2 years.  I have worked for several summers in DeForest as a Day Camp coordinator for the All American Day Camp.

My cutie-patootie Linus
I have a husband named Andrew, who works for the Wisconsin Radio Network. You may have heard him if you listen to the news on the radio in Wisconsin. We have one baby girl, named Daria Jane, who was born in October of 2009.  She is so much fun and very active!  In my spare time, I like to do all sorts of arts and crafts projects, knitting, exercising, reading, playing with my dog, and of course, spending time with my baby and husband.

Andrew and I at Christmas
 Lately, Daria is getting old enough to start experimenting with ART! I'm so excited to make art with her.

Featured on the Artful Parent
Craft Gossip- Picture Frame 
Craft Gossip- Snowmen
A Place Called Kindergarten- Friday Favorites
Craft Gossip- Scrap Faces
Craft Gossip- Pulp Pictures

Some of the places my artwork/articles have been published are:

Art Journaling Exposed by Cloth Paper Scissors magazine

Somerset Studio magazine

Featuring Magazine

Scholastic Art magazine (teacher's edition)

Doodler's Anonymous Coloring Book

Artist Trading Cards (An Anthology of ATCs)

Let's Take It Outside!: Teacher-Created Activities for Outdoor Learning 

Another Encyclopedia of Theme Activities for Young Children