
Monday, October 31, 2011

More pics from the Halloween class!

Here are some more pics from my spooky crafts class.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Burlap and Felt Quilt Square- 1st grade

1st Grade

How can a quilt be a work of art?  
Why do people make art?  

The 1st graders looked at and discussed quilts.  We talked about shapes, layering and symmetry.   We made a fabric quilt square using felt, fabric, burlap, ribbon and buttons.  These squares were supposed to demonstrate the student's understanding of symmetry.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

It's all good...

It's all good...

Even though my car got totaled this week....

Yes, that's totaled.  Even though it doesn't look like that much damage, apparently the cost to fix it is more than the car is worth.  The other person did not have insurance.. or even registration for the car... or matching license plates...

Monday I stayed home from school because our daycare provider called in sick.

While I was at home with my daughter on Monday, 5 firetrucks zoomed down the street and a house a few doors down and across the street apparently had a small explosion in their basement and started the house on fire.  I couldn't even tell what house they were going to, but when they busted open the front door, smoke came pouring out like crazy.  Apparently that was $50,000 in damage to the house.  So, when I feel sorry for myself about my car and my problems, I need to remember that things could be worse.

It's been a crazy week, but that's ok. Things will work out right?

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Piet Mondrian-- Kindergarten

What are the Primary Colors?  Who was Piet Mondrian?
The Nest will be looking at artwork by the artist named Piet Mondrian.  Some of his artwork was characterized by use of a very simple color scheme (usually the primary colors and black and white). His art had strong, straight lines and repeated use of squares and rectangles.  The students will be able to name the primary colors and recognize Mondrian's artwork.  They created their own artwork using the primary colors and black construction paper.

We also read the book The Color Tree, which is a colorful story about the primary colors.  The Color Tree

Monday, October 24, 2011

Nonobjective Line Drawing-- 3/4s

Third/Fourth Grade:  The students learned how to identify realistic, abstract and non-objective art.  The 3/4s worked on a non-objective graphite drawing.  Using only shapes, lines, texture and value the students drew an interesting non-objective design.  Non-objective art is art that has no recognizable objects.  Value in art is the degree of lightness or darkness.  The students completed a value scale using pencil.  They learned how to create contrast by placing dark shades next to light shades, rough texture next to smooth texture and incorporating a variety of sizes in their art (tiny, small, medium, large).  Their drawing needed to have a variety of lines, texture using texture rubbings, contrast, use of pressure, layering and blending, and five values (white, black, light gray, medium gray, dark gray).  One of the artists they looked at is Wassily Kandinsky.  

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Day of the Dead Skeletons-- 2nd grade

 2nd graders learned about Day of the Dead by reading the book Pablo Remembers. 
They looked at diagrams of skeletons and drew them with pencil on black paper. Next, they used white paint to paint the skeleton. They added flowers with other colors of bright tempera paint.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Pumpkin Decorating with a 2 Year Old

What can you do with a 2 year old to decorate pumpkins?  STICKERS!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Felt Monsters!

We also made Felt Monsters in our after school Halloween Crafts Class.  I got the idea from this blog!  Thanks Amanda!

Finished monster by 3rd grader

Use a piece of wood block, glue a piece of felt to all sides.

Gather the rest of the felt and tie with rubber band.  A rectangle of felt can be cut out and glued to the bottom. 

Cut out more pieces for the face. 

Monsters on parade

Lots of monsters

We're coming to get you!



We used Elmer's glue for everything and it will dry clear when completely dry.

Halloween Wreaths

For my Halloween Crafts class, I had 34 kids sign up and I split it into two days.  We had the first session yesterday!  One of the crafts we made were wreaths.  I purchased all kind of Halloween fabric, garland and trinkets and we wrapped, wove and tied them on to the wreath forms.  We used hot glue to attach the little trinkets.  K-5th grade!

A student's finished wreath

All of the kids started with a wreath base and then wrapped and tied the materials on.  The vines were perfect, because you could tuck the ends of the fabric and crepe paper.  

Adding some spider web stuff!

Finished wreaths are awesome!